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Want constant rads


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I played around with magic effects. I got the enchantment working on armor object. It constantly gives +1 rad. But almost nothing seem to counter the effect. I mean rad protection from vault suit, gas mask, not even the perk for radiation resistance. Only the hasmat suit and ghoulish perk have influence. Of course you can always take the item off. Is that okay with you? Also can the equippable item be a ring? Because that's is what I used for testing.


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  On 6/21/2020 at 11:02 PM, robotized said:

I played around with magic effects. I got the enchantment working on armor object. It constantly gives +1 rad. But almost nothing seem to counter the effect. I mean rad protection from vault suit, gas mask, not even the perk for radiation resistance. Only the hasmat suit and ghoulish perk have influence. Of course you can always take the item off. Is that okay with you? Also can the equippable item be a ring? Because that's is what I used for testing.


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omg, i'm so sorry for being so slow to check this! x_x I suck.


If I understand you correctly, you're saying nothing will reduce the amount of rads you take? It'll always be +1?

That sounds totally fine to me, that's what I want.

All other rad-based effects work while it's going, right?

It would trigger the Peizoneuclaic effect? (increase AP regen while taking rads)

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Don't worry about it, its not problem.

Yes, nothing works against this. No resistance from the vault suit or gas mask, nor perk. With hazmat suit it says less than 1 rad and reduces/slows the effect. I'm having some doubts that it will work with Piezonucleic Lining, however I have not tested with PA. It's weird that many ways for rad resistance don't work, even though in the Magic Effect I have properly set the resist value to RadResistExposure "Radiation Resistance" [AVIF:000002EA]. I'm starting to think that radiation damage is not meant to be applied this way.


Here is a Link to a plugin I've done so far. You can build a Rad Ring under Utility of the Chembench for no cost. Tried to make the ring a bit greenish.

Edit: I may do a few more test during weekend, to see if I can make it behave more like a radiation damage, regarding resistances and absorption.


Edit2: Success - Link. Managed to bring back the resistances. Vault suits, gas masks and other clothing, the Rad Resistant perk can now counter the effect. When you enter PA, the rad damage stops working, probably because the ring is unequipped. Tried to test it with the Piezothingy effect. To do that, I changed the body slot from "Ring" to "Head Top". When I equipped the ring, it then replaced the PA helmet. I added the Piezo mod with console commands to the chest piece. And I did not find any difference with or without the ring equipped. Here is what I think the reason is. I checked the magic effect for the Piezo mod. There is nowhere mentioned AP refresh speed. The only Value I see is PABatteryDamageRate "Power Armor Battery Damage Rate" [AVIF:0015A8B2]. It is very similar to the magic effect of the Nuclear Physicist perk, but instead of a Value Modifier, for Piezo effect it is Peak Value Modifier of the PA Battery Damage Rate. I don't know how that affects fusion core draining, but it definitely is not about AP refresh. If you want me to make the ring into a hat, tell me whats your favorite one from vanilla game. And in the meantime I will see if I can fix the Piezo mod to actually increase the AP refresh.

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Damn! How the heck am I always this late to reply!?

It feels like I check this more than once a day. Oof.

Maybe it just feels like i'm always checkin'...


Anyhoo, that is genuinely interesting stuff to know. o_o

So in the base game, unmodded, the Peizo effect only really does something involving PA fusion core drain or something? Weird.


I have a mod that lets you add the Peizo effect to regular old armor in the legendary slot, so that's what i was hoping to work with.

It's not the end of the world if it doesn't work for AP regen speed, though. I'd still like the constant pressure of never-ending rads.

I'd be happy with it just being a ring, in this case.

One thing i'm curious about - if you have the ring on and do a regular fast travel - when you load on the other side, do the rads act as though that much time has actually passed? Like, will your health bar be full of rads, depending on how much in-game time passed while you fast traveled? I am hoping that's the case.

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It's ok, whenever you find the time. We have lives after all :wink: .


Yes, I tried piezo effect on regular clothing and did not notice any change in AP refresh. PABatteryDamageRate is used only in magic effects to reduce the drain speed of fusion cores.


Like I said, I'm working on a fix for Piezo effect. Had a small bump adding a condition to only work when there is radiation damage done to the character. I think I got around that as well. Will probably share that with the rest of the community.


If you want a proper behavior of rad damage, then use the link from my second edit of previous post. I mean if you care about resistances. For example, with the first rank of Rad Resistant, the effect will be reduced to <1rad. I made the texture a bit more greenish and made the ring slightly glow in that version. Couldn't resist the opportunity to experiment with textures and materials :smile: . And yes, the rad damage works during fast travel. Bethesda adds a flag to some of the magic effects for rad damage - "Dispel with keywords". And then they also add a keyword RemoveBeforeFastTravel, which stops the rad damage effect. I didn't add those.


Edit: The fix for Piezonucleic Lining is up and running. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/45952

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Very nice work! I'm gonna test out the ring plus your peizo fix. :o

Thankyou so much for taking the time to actually work on this weird little request xP

Why not upload the rad ring for everyone else, too?

I know that such a mod exists already on the Bethesda website, but it's only for XBOX, and horribly outdated.

And doesn't come with a fancy glow <o<


I'm curious to know how the rad resistance granted by the Robes of Atom's Devoted.

It increases your rad resistance up to 2500 if 90% of your health is rads.

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You are welcome. Doesn't matter if it's weird. Important is it makes the game interesting for your next playthrough :wink: .


I had my doubts at first, if I should upload it on nexus, especially with the first version. I'm happy how the second version turned out, so why not. I didn't ask before, but should I put any crafting requirements, like components?


I'm sorry, I don't have the DLCs. My guess is that the rad resistance is applied through a Magic Effect, and there is a condition attached to it. The condition maybe checks/compares if the max health is less than or equal to 10%. I can't say for sure, it may be something more complicated.

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