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Racial mods crashes my skyrim.


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Yes, well.. as the title states, Any racial mod I installed thus far crashed my skyrim after the Bethesta logo disapears, and the skyrim logo appears.

First off, I want to go trough some things I already went trough.


-No, its not a issue with the sound properties.

-Yes, I checked mod compatibility

-Yes, its only the racial mods.

-Yes, I checked if there were any requirements.

-Yes, I tried a fresh install.

-Yes, I deleted my Skyrim configs (Skyrimprefs / Saves etc.) and let it generate new ones.

-No, it has nothing to do with my PC and it's specs, I'm pretty sure I know enough about that.

-Yes, I tried running in administrator mode, but basically that shouldn't do a thing, since It's a launcher.

-Yes, I tried launching it directly.


So as you can see, I did some homework.

I hope anyone can and would help me with my current issue!


Thanks in advance!




Fixed this issue, I, Assumably, mis-interpret a certain line that said a certain mod was only needed if you had the dawnguard expansion.. the mdoder contacted me, and told me to install the racial compatibility mod, that also has a version for Vanilla.


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Edited by omgitspeanut
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