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All NPCs are saying, "What's Up."


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N7Commando - Hello!


Sounds like a mod caused issue, either a mod clash or one mod with a dirty edit.


You need to play detective, ask yourself a few questions:


When did this issue first start?


Which new mods have I added recently?


Compare the answers to those two questions & try unticking mods installed recently around the time the bug cropped up.


If you can't narrow down when it started, simply unticking a clump of mods at a time & checjing in game to see if things have returned to normal can be another quick way to isolate the mod responsible.


Mods editing Dialogue/adding NPC's would be top of the list of suspects.


Hope this helps!



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  • 2 weeks later...

N7Commando - Hello!


Sounds like a mod caused issue, either a mod clash or one mod with a dirty edit.


You need to play detective, ask yourself a few questions:


When did this issue first start?


Which new mods have I added recently?


Compare the answers to those two questions & try unticking mods installed recently around the time the bug cropped up.


If you can't narrow down when it started, simply unticking a clump of mods at a time & checjing in game to see if things have returned to normal can be another quick way to isolate the mod responsible.


Mods editing Dialogue/adding NPC's would be top of the list of suspects.


Hope this helps!



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