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Mod Request - Two Words: Timed Mines.


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As much as I would love to be able to mod myself, I've yet to learn, but I'll work on it. The tools they give us aren't very user friendly for those that have never used them, and I can't exactly go out and by a book on them...


Anyhow, is it possible to have timed mines? I would LOVE to be able to place a charge, run the hell away, turn around, and watch whatever I est the mine on go kaboom. It would be very fun, especially for those into the stealth aspect of the game.

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You mean, when you drop the mine, you set how long before it explodes? If yes, that's possible. If you mean, when you drop the mine, it explodes in 10 seconds, then yes. That's possible. It's also possible to make a remote detonator too. You've actually given me an idea. I think I'll add that as a new custom built item to my overhaul. Drop by, http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=949
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You mean, when you drop the mine, you set how long before it explodes? If yes, that's possible. If you mean, when you drop the mine, it explodes in 10 seconds, then yes. That's possible. It's also possible to make a remote detonator too. You've actually given me an idea. I think I'll add that as a new custom built item to my overhaul. Drop by, http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=949



pre-timed mines, settable-time mines, and detonator mines are all awesome, and if you made a set of these, you would be my personal hero. I'm sure others would love them, too. So if you think they are possible, then I am glad to hear that.

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