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compilation mod


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i really dont like the way is all going...

like every time i need to overwrite my patch for what 1-2 mod that i like but all other things in that patch i dont like..

is there any other forum beside this ---> http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/734046-Mods-for-Far-Cry-3

to search all individual mods of this game to make my own compilation


Not that i know of.

If it's just for a personal compilation you can try using parts of mods here on the nexus. But like i said, thats just for personal use. You'll need permission from the original authors to release it publicly.

Here's to hoping Ubi makes FC3 a bit more moddable with patch 1.05 . =)

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is all for personal use. what parts of mods???????????????? is all compilation that i dont like. if they put individual like RAWS files that you can make your own compilation that will be BUUUUMMM of "cudos and endorose" all over the forum
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is all for personal use. what parts of mods???????????????? is all compilation that i dont like. if they put individual like RAWS files that you can make your own compilation that will be BUUUUMMM of "cudos and endorose" all over the forum


Using the Gibbed tools you can unpack any other mod and use files from it, just like you would when you'd use raw files. The only con is that you'll need to figure out which files you'll need, which does take some time to figure out.

I'm doing the exact same thing for my personal compilation. This link helped me along putting together my mod. It might be of use to you too:


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is all for personal use. what parts of mods???????????????? is all compilation that i dont like. if they put individual like RAWS files that you can make your own compilation that will be BUUUUMMM of "cudos and endorose" all over the forum
Using the Gibbed tools you can unpack any other mod and use files from it, just like you would when you'd use raw files. The only con is that you'll need to figure out which files you'll need, which does take some time to figure out. I'm doing the exact same thing for my personal compilation. This link helped me along putting together my mod. It might be of use to you too:http://www.mordorhq.com/showthread.php?5151-Mods-for-Far-Cry-3&p=120993&viewfull=1#post120993


the problem is red

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is all for personal use. what parts of mods???????????????? is all compilation that i dont like. if they put individual like RAWS files that you can make your own compilation that will be BUUUUMMM of "cudos and endorose" all over the forum
Using the Gibbed tools you can unpack any other mod and use files from it, just like you would when you'd use raw files. The only con is that you'll need to figure out which files you'll need, which does take some time to figure out. I'm doing the exact same thing for my personal compilation. This link helped me along putting together my mod. It might be of use to you too:http://www.mordorhq.com/showthread.php?5151-Mods-for-Far-Cry-3&p=120993&viewfull=1#post120993


the problem is red


As far as I understand, he wants to say "Why don't the modders offer their raw files, so we can pick what we like, instead of using a whole compilation of changes, of which we only like 2 or 3 things?"

That's what I would prefer, too. A kind of tutorial would be nice... like a threat, where everybody can post, what he found out. E.g. how to change the timescale, how to remove auto-reload, how to change textures, etc...


That way, everybody could make his own patch.dat with his favorite changes (if he isn't too lazy to use the gibbed tools).

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As far as I understand, he wants to say "Why don't the modders offer their raw files, so we can pick what we like, instead of using a whole compilation of changes, of which we only like 2 or 3 things?"

That's what I would prefer, too. A kind of tutorial would be nice... like a threat, where everybody can post, what he found out. E.g. how to change the timescale, how to remove auto-reload, how to change textures, etc...


That way, everybody could make his own patch.dat with his favorite changes (if he isn't too lazy to use the gibbed tools).


I understand that, and agree that it'd be a lot easier. On smaller mods, this shouldnt be much of a problem. But large compilations like FC3 rebalanced or Poor Basturd contain so many files, their authors would go mad if they'd had to split up every single feature into a separate folder. And the fact that some features might depend on the same file as another feature probably doesnt make it any more straight-forward. It'd just lead to massive incompatibilities.


And beside that, tearing apart an existing compilation makes building one from scratch so much easier, as you already know what the folder structure should look like and which files go where/do what. But like stated in an earlier post, this still takes some time to learn.

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