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That really isn't an easy question to answer because FCOM includes OOO. You can install OOO by itself and use it or install the entire FCOM setup which includes installing OOO. Check out the fcom homepage for more info on fcom (http://devnull.devakm.googlepages.com/convergence) and also the cheat sheet which gives more info on installing (http://fivefries.googlepages.com/fcominstallationguide). FCOM will give you a lot more variety than ooo alone but is a lot harder to set up. I've installed fcom a couple of times and the BOSS package (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516) is definitely a must if you want to try it. You don't have to bother with the load order. Just install everything in the correct order according to the cheat sheet and then run boss to set the load order. Also, it's a lot easier to start from a fresh oblivion install. You can use the unofficial patches with either.



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