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Flashing water into blue =/


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So today i wanted to play skyrim really bad, so after i've spent hours installing it and setting everything up (mods) i go play and after a little i notice that my water "flash" blue it also does a really annoying sound.


Any way to fix this? I've tried playing with .inis,disabilitating all my mods,checked game's cache,installing some water texture mods and no results soo far.



Please help.


My pc specs if needed : i5 2500,8gb 1600 mhz, gtx 570


Never had any problem before.

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By water, you mean the streams? Like, in Whiterun? I don't know what causes that.


If you mean the water, like the lakes and sea, make your water reflect the Sky. Should fix it.



It turned out to be just z-fighting but in a level i've never seen before (this time not only distant object flickered but also the water).

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so now ever after using these fixes (i used them all) http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Z-Fighting#tab=What_is_your_fix_3F the amount of z-fighting i am getting it's umbeliveable,god damn bethesda you're the only software house i know that ruin such beautiful games for some f***ing annoying glitches that they can't seem to get rid of Edited by CharlyBoss
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