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Radio Talk-Show


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Hey Nexus, I'm the new kid on the block with an idea. I'm beginning to write and produce my own radio in fallout3, along the lines of what rekicker did with radio radsauce. What I want to do though is (as the title suggests) turn it into a talk show instead of a music program. I'm playing it safe right now and just planning on a radio station, but later it might expand to an actual location (like GNR) and quests, but i hate to get ahead of myself. I wonder though, would anyone here like to contribute? I am well capable of making the mod, but would love to have "guests" "call in" from "ham radios" throughout the capitol wastes. Right now its all talk until i make my first show, but would love to have suggestions or opinions from my fellow wastelanders. So please, feel free to contribute ideas, support, or anything and all. :thanks:
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Hey Nexus, I'm the new kid on the block with an idea. I'm beginning to write and produce my own radio in fallout3, along the lines of what rekicker did with radio radsauce. What I want to do though is (as the title suggests) turn it into a talk show instead of a music program. I'm playing it safe right now and just planning on a radio station, but later it might expand to an actual location (like GNR) and quests, but i hate to get ahead of myself. I wonder though, would anyone here like to contribute? I am well capable of making the mod, but would love to have "guests" "call in" from "ham radios" throughout the capitol wastes. Right now its all talk until i make my first show, but would love to have suggestions or opinions from my fellow wastelanders. So please, feel free to contribute ideas, support, or anything and all. :thanks:


Sure mate! The voice of Radio Radsauce would love to contribute to your radio station. It gets awfully lonely talking to yourself in the Wasteland, you know.


I think a guest spot or call in would be awesome. I'd be happy to return the favor for the next release of Radio Radsauce, too! Maybe a commercial or something you make that I can air on the Radsauce radiowaves?


At any rate, a right tasty idea you have here. Let me know what you need. Good luck and happy modding!

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Sounds like a really good idea! Good luck with it. As for guest speakers, you could make up your own characters and, if you do the quest and location, these characters could be "wasteland celebreties". One may be an experienced war vetern, with people all over the wastes coming/calling in and asking for advise and protection. Maybe a fraud? And it's your job as the player to expose him! Anyway, just tossing you a few ideas. Good luck.. Again.
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I love the idea, I'd want to DL this kind of thing for sure as long as the callers stayed mildly tasteful.


So here is an Idea, make callers themed on topics the host brings up rather then random junk. Like one show's topic may be "What you think life was like before the bombs."

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Just found the new released radio-tutorial, great stuff. I'm making it along the lines of VCPR (From GTA:VC) where I will have one subject and have people call in to say their opinions. Exactly like you said Sephlyn, and I do like that topic. Getting some mates together to do a test show. I'll post it as soon as I feel its decent enough. And I would love to have you do a spot in a later show Rekicker, I always have your show on when I'm out in the wastes. Also love the idea Blaze, I actually think ill do that as soon as I get a better hang of G.E.C.K.
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hey I Really wanna help you out guys!!! i will be willing to help you out with a or other Voice acting and i can give you guys and Idea or a Cameo...like, i call to the Show All Freaked Out saying ¨Dude I JUST SAW a woman got blown off by an Explosive Collar!¨ or ¨Dude i almost Got SLIPT IN HALF by a Mirluke¨ :D well dumb idea! :D but you can Add cameos from the Game like.....i saw an E.T or something like that....but i will LOVE to help out!
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Update: Fixed on the name CWPR to keep it short and self explanatory. Followed Rekicker's excellent guide and now have a working radio mod. Just need to actually record the first show. It will go along with "What do you think the world was like before the bombs fell?" so if anyone wants to contribute, record a .wav and ill throw it in there. Otherwise it will be mostly me rambling to make sure I have everything working.
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