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help vault 21 big bug


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Hi to everyone!!! I have a big issue with vault 21 interiors, i don't know what mod cause it, but after i go down, just before the main room, the corridor come to a white end, and if i go throught this i'm teleported right at the door, any help? Edited by retyrant
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Hi all, I appear to be suffering from the same issue. I've followed the above process, to see if this clears the glitch, but I'm no better off.

Not to repeat the above, but the loading door between Vault 21's gift shop & the Vault gambling hall/ interior is missing - completely gone. You can run the courier staight down to the opening where the door should be, then fall through the space, only to reappear again at the interior front door of the Vault 21 gift shop.


I've started a new game, cleared mods, reloaded mods, etc. Blank doorway remains. Ironically, I can access the Vault interior through the hidden entrance, via the Topps (thanks to the trusty console skeleton key). No apparent issues at that point, however the door between the interior & the gift shop - the one missing when approached from the top down - appears as a regular vault door, which opens when activated. You are then ported to the other side of the doorway, as if passing through a loading doorway (fyi, no loading screen, just near instant screen shift to the new position).You can then see the corridor up to the gift shop & the hallway leading down to the Vault interior, from which I came. Very odd. If you activate the open door on either side, there is a momentary load & you appear on the otherside.


Ok, so after all that, if you then move up to the gift shop proper - out of sight of the glitchy doorway - then move back down the corridor, the doorway is gone, leaving the open hole in space, allowing no access to the Vault interior & you can run right off the edge again.


All things considered, Vault 21 is a relatively unimportant location, so it's not such an issue, but this kind of glitch just bugs me - much like my game (I would insert a smiley thingy, but I'm not really smiling). As a side note to the above reference to Rockwell, I only noticed the missing door, after I loaded the Niner Companion mod & the quest led me to Vault 21. Probably not connected, as I had Rockwell loaded on NMM as well at the time, but hadn't started (or even gotten to that area to start the mod...?) it yet.


Any help with this glitch fix would be much appreciated thanks. As mentioned, not exactly a critical life issue, but it just really annoys me.


Go Team!

p.s. thanks for taking the time to read my version of war & peace.





Ok, I appear to have fixed the issue using the console door lock method used by retyrant - above - however I still had to access Vault 21 via the secret entrance first, to create the bugged area load door. Once the door was generated, I could select it via console, disable, enable, lock, then unlock. Leaving the vault after all the buggering around, the "new" door appears to have remained, which means I can access all areas of Vault 21 again.

I hope someone finds this helpful. Still don't really know what has caused this issue & time will tell if the fix actually holds.



Edited by KaininMorkai
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I have exactly the same problem. I turned of Rockwell Descent (wasn't working for me anyway as the Systems Admin just wouldn't give me the damn utility key) and made a clean save. The door is still gone and when I walk into the nothing it warps me back to the gift shop entrance. Can anyone help me?


Edit: Figured it out. Like retyrant did it.

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