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Royally screwed up Skyrim...


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I wanted to clean up my mods. I have workshop mods and nexus mods. I'm moving more toward nexus then workshop. I wanted to get the main ones off workshop and onto nexus.


4 mods I unsubbed to in worshop..


Better Females by Bella

Better Females By Bella Natural Edition


Item Sorting


I didn't need Item Sorting anymore.


After I let the launcher do it's thing, I closed it brought up nexus and installed them.


Now after the logos I crashed to desktop without seeing the game menu.



I go into Data Files and the 3 reinstalled mods don't appear. They do not appear in plugins tab either when looking in nexus (they do appear in the mods tab though.)



Please help.


(What prompted this was I had Apachii installed twice... two different versions one from steam one from here some how! :( )

Edited by sirurza55
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Disabled all my mods, started skyrim back up got to the menu.


I've slowly started re-enabling the ones I'm currently using. So far so good.


Better Females by Bella

Better Females By Bella Natural Edition



Are all missing from the data files and the plug ins tabbed.

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It could be that the mods were not packaged properly to work with the Nexus Mod Manager. You could try downloading them manually and then repack them. A quick way to check this would be to go to where the downloads are saved by NMM and see if those files are correct.
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