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Need help with events and ReferenceAlias objects


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I don't post much on the forums, so I apologize if this is the wrong section.


Does anyone know of a way (either officially or as a workaround) to make a reference alias script not listen to the events on the object reference they are attached to.


For example, if I make a mod which restricts the ability to pick locks based on level, and I attach it to a reference alias so that I do not have to modify any container or door forms, when the alias runs, It is able to tell me whether or not I can lockpick an object, but the lockpicking UI always pops up regardless and there is nothing I can do to stop it.


I know similar functionality can be achieved using a perk, but perks cause other problems I am not prepared to deal with.


Help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by PlausibleSarge
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