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Is it possible to make a mod, that deletes snakes from the game? I know there are only sometimes in caves, and in few mission, but to someone with ophidiophobia like me it's difficult to complete those missions.


I would be very grateful


I'm not sure if this works, but it might be possible to replace the Snake.xml located in entitylibrary.fcb, with chicken.xml and rename it back to snake.xml.

Not a clue what the possible side-effects might be. But if i'm right, no more snakes and lots of chickens in rakyat ruins. =)


I'll wait untill i encounter a mission-related snake before i replace the file. That way i can be sure it's the snake that got replaced, and not some random chicken.

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Is it possible to make a mod, that deletes snakes from the game? I know there are only sometimes in caves, and in few mission, but to someone with ophidiophobia like me it's difficult to complete those missions.


I would be very grateful


I'm not sure if this works, but it might be possible to replace the Snake.xml located in entitylibrary.fcb, with chicken.xml and rename it back to snake.xml.

Not a clue what the possible side-effects might be. But if i'm right, no more snakes and lots of chickens in rakyat ruins. =)


I'll wait untill i encounter a mission-related snake before i replace the file. That way i can be sure it's the snake that got replaced, and not some random chicken.


I unpacked fc3_main.dat with Gibbed Dunia Tools and finded entitylibrary.fcb - how can I open this file? I tried with Dunia unpack nad winrar, but without result. I also saw in this same folder file called entitylibrary_full.fcb .

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Is it possible to make a mod, that deletes snakes from the game? I know there are only sometimes in caves, and in few mission, but to someone with ophidiophobia like me it's difficult to complete those missions.


I would be very grateful


I'm not sure if this works, but it might be possible to replace the Snake.xml located in entitylibrary.fcb, with chicken.xml and rename it back to snake.xml.

Not a clue what the possible side-effects might be. But if i'm right, no more snakes and lots of chickens in rakyat ruins. =)


I'll wait untill i encounter a mission-related snake before i replace the file. That way i can be sure it's the snake that got replaced, and not some random chicken.


I unpacked fc3_main.dat with Gibbed Dunia Tools and finded entitylibrary.fcb - how can I open this file? I tried with Dunia unpack nad winrar, but without result. I also saw in this same folder file called entitylibrary_full.fcb .


You can unpack the .fcb by dragging it onto the ConvertBinary.exe that's part of the Gibbed dunia tools (if i recall the name correctly.) =)

Haven't got a chance to test it myself, though i have thought of another way to test it; Remember those monkeys in the Amanaki village? See if those have a similar xml and replace it with the renamed chicken.xml. I might test it somewhere tonight or tomorrow.

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Ok, I converted this file and found only 1 folder with animals .xml files. Snake is in "SimpleAnimal" and a chicken is in "FC3 Domestic". I copied chicken to the SimpleAnimal folder and changed name to snake. Now i should pack whole entitylibrary.fcb (how? When i'm use DuniaPack it's .dat and .fat extension) or just create the same folder structure and place only Snake.xml and paste it into unpacked patch.dat and then pack this and replace with this in game folder?


I'm in mission, in which I enter the underground bunker, and at the start of this mission i hear snake. If I won't heard him after replacing file, I will be 99% sure that it's works fine.

I also remember some underground ruins on the east side of the first island. On the land there was some big crate through I can see ground of this ruins, and 3 times i saw there a snake in this same place. Even if I killed him, he respawned after.

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Ok, I converted this file and found only 1 folder with animals .xml files. Snake is in "SimpleAnimal" and a chicken is in "FC3 Domestic". I copied chicken to the SimpleAnimal folder and changed name to snake. Now i should pack whole entitylibrary.fcb (how? When i'm use DuniaPack it's .dat and .fat extension) or just create the same folder structure and place only Snake.xml and paste it into unpacked patch.dat and then pack this and replace with this in game folder?


I'm in mission, in which I enter the underground bunker, and at the start of this mission i hear snake. If I won't heard him after replacing file, I will be 99% sure that it's works fine.

I also remember some underground ruins on the east side of the first island. On the land there was some big crate through I can see ground of this ruins, and 3 times i saw there a snake in this same place. Even if I killed him, he respawned after.


Now you can drag the entitylibrary_converted.xml that was created when unpacking the fcb onto the Gibbed.Dunia2.ConvertBinaryObject.exe. That will create a new fcb. Delete the old fcb and rename the new fcb to entitylibrary.fcb.

You can also delete the Entitylibrary_converted folder.

Now go back to the root folder of the dunia tools and drag the patch_unpack folder onto the Gibbed.Dunia2.Pack.exe, which will cause it to pack the mod and create a .dat and a .fat.

Rename both to patch.dat / patch.fat and paste them into your data_win32 folder (which is located in the FC3 install directory) Make sure you back up the original patch.dat/fat before you do so.

When that is done you can fire up FC3 and give it a try.

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It doesn't work, I hear a snake :blink:


EDIT: in entitylibrary_full is much more animals and much more snakes:










I'll try with these files.


Also in FC_3 Encounters>Wildfile is file Wildfile_Snake.xml


EDIT2: Now when i'm trying to convert entitylibrary_full.xml i get a lots of error in GibbedDunia_Pack and it stop working.

Edited by Krecik1218
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It doesn't work, I hear a snake :blink:


EDIT: in entitylibrary_full is much more animals and much more snakes:










I'll try with these files.


Also in FC_3 Encounters>Wildfile is file Wildfile_Snake.xml


Hmm... i suppose there's more to those snakes than meets the eye... I tried my thing with the monkeys.. Every monkey in amanaki village disappeared! no chickens, no monkeys. nothing. (although the chickens at the little hen-house were still there. :confused:

Hope you're having more luck on those other files..

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entitylibrary_full don't want to convert:



When i set in properties of Dunia_Pack "run as administrator" i get this error:



This yellow text means: The name of catalog (folder) is invalid.


entitylibrary is converting with no problems. I checked every modified snake files and they are identical with original.

Edited by Krecik1218
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entitylibrary_full don't want to convert:



When i set in properties of Dunia_Pack "run as administrator" i get this error:



This yellow text means: The name of catalog (folder) is invalid.


entitylibrary is converting with no problems. I checked every modified snake files and they are identical with original.


Hmm. the only thing that comes to mind is something i read somewhere... They said that if you're pack/unpacking the main Dat/fat from a file path that's too long, it could cause errors like that. Although i'm not entirely certain if that's the case.

Another thing that might work is merging the edited files from the main dat/fat with the 1.04 patch. It's a much smaller file and so far, every mod i know of uses the patch.dat/fat (and some dll's, but those have nothing to do with what we're trying here.)


Example: unpacking the main and the patch, taking the renamed xml's from the main and inserting them into the correct folder, among the unpacked patch files. And finally repacking the patch, with the added xml's, and putting it into the FC3 install directory.


If the unpacked patch already contains the files we want to rename/replace, we might as well use those. That way we can be sure we don't accidentally re-insert some bugged animal into the patch. =)



i can give it a go as well tomorrow, if you don´t mind waiting a little longer. =)

Edited by Urwy
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