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i can give it a go as well tomorrow, if you don´t mind waiting a little longer. =)


Ok i will wait, because I'm not as good as you at this stuff :biggrin:


Eh... So far, no luck. Not because it doesnt work. It's because i cant find any bloody snakes! >.<

I'd like to know a place where someone has encountered snakes before. And the large sinkhole north of amanaki outpost hasnt got any snakes in its ruins for me. (without ranaming anything.)

Edited by Urwy
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i can give it a go as well tomorrow, if you don´t mind waiting a little longer. =)


Ok i will wait, because I'm not as good as you at this stuff :biggrin:


Eh... So far, no luck. Not because it doesnt work. It's because i cant find any bloody snakes! >.<

I'd like to know a place where someone has encountered snakes before. And the large sinkhole north of amanaki outpost hasnt got any snakes in its ruins for me. (without ranaming anything.)


The snake is in the second mission, when you must go and deactivate first radiotower. Snake is in front of stairs. But if you don't want to start new game and complete mission 1, you can download my savegame. Then, in game go to mission marker, and when you enter bunker, you should hear snake sound.




Paste this into Ubiosft Game Launcher folder.

Edited by Krecik1218
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i can give it a go as well tomorrow, if you don´t mind waiting a little longer. =)


Ok i will wait, because I'm not as good as you at this stuff :biggrin:


Eh... So far, no luck. Not because it doesnt work. It's because i cant find any bloody snakes! >.<

I'd like to know a place where someone has encountered snakes before. And the large sinkhole north of amanaki outpost hasnt got any snakes in its ruins for me. (without ranaming anything.)



The snake is in the second mission, when you must go and deactivate first radiotower. Snake is in front of stairs. But if you don't want to start new game and complete mission 1, you can download my savegame. Then, in game go to mission marker, and when you enter bunker, you should hear snake sound.




Paste this into Ubiosft Game Launcher folder.


Thanks for the save. It reminded me that i had a save of my own somewhere into the first mission.

I tried replacing the snake.xml's in both the entitylibrary and entitylibrary_full and packing both into the patch.... No luck. And right now, i'm out of idea's. =(

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Did you also replaced the snake_green and other this files? When i was doing this I replaced snake.xml with chicken.xml and this other snake files with Chicken.Chicken_white. I see that in for example chicken.xml is line "<object name" and in the next line (and previous) is directory to this file.. When we change it to snake.xml the directory still is unchanged. Maybe this directory need to be exactly this same as snake.xml, but other stuff like directory to textures, animations unchanged (chicken).


Or maybe is there some line that is responsible for spawn percentage and locations where snake occurs? But then scripted locations of snake will not be deleted I think.


I almost forgotten. I found entitylibrary_full\FC3 Encounters\Wildfile file Wildfile_snake.xml . I replaced it with Wildfile_rats.xml and changed name, but i I got error when packing as I wrote earlier. I think this file may be responsible for respawning snakes in non scripted locations.

Edited by Krecik1218
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Did you also replaced the snake_green and other this files? When i was doing this I replaced snake.xml with chicken.xml and this other snake files with Chicken.Chicken_white. I see that in for example chicken.xml is line "<object name" and in the next line (and previous) is directory to this file.. When we change it to snake.xml the directory still is unchanged. Maybe this directory need to be exactly this same as snake.xml, but other stuff like directory to textures, animations unchanged (chicken).


Or maybe is there some line that is responsible for spawn percentage and locations where snake occurs? But then scripted locations of snake will not be deleted I think.


I almost forgotten. I found entitylibrary_full\FC3 Encounters\Wildfile file Wildfile_snake.xml . I replaced it with Wildfile_rats.xml and changed name, but i I got error when packing as I wrote earlier. I think this file may be responsible for respawning snakes in non scripted locations.


Yeah, i replaced every snake_******.xml file i could find in both the entitylibrary.fcb and entitylibrary_full.fcb.

I''ll have a look if i missed the Wildlife_snake.xml. Thanks for the brainwave! :thumbsup:

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