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[REQ] AR-15/M-16 mesh/texture


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Can't you post pictures in higher resolutions? With the current ones I can't exactly tell if the model is good or not. It doesn't matter if you get bad FPS at high resolutions as long as you can take the picture for us.


ninja.gif Link to DOWNLOAD Page; ninja.gif


ninja.gif Link to DOWNLOAD Page; ninja.gif


There are better pics posted on the linked download page. This [REQ] was made by me, and when no one took it upon themselves, this [REQ] has also been filled by me. New skins posted in a few minutes.


FYI - My ingame environment is brighter (by quite a bit it seems) than the brightness setting of the utility taking screenshots. Because of this I sometimes don't notice that it's too dark and turn out a grip of pics that are unusable.


UPDATE - Screenshots of the new skins on the download page, included handily in a variety pack.

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