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Fairly bad enb problem


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I have only noticed this now, just as I have entered the lowest part of this dungeon. It seems the darks have actually turned to whites lol


This is enb no doubt, im using climates of tamerial and the official enb for it. I do NOT get this problem with other enbs, I tried adjusting a few settings and all they really did was make it slightly less noticeable.


I can't record a video or get screenshots because for some reason when I record with fraps the effect grows a lot weaker, due to video sites compression you really can't see whats going on.


However here is a video of me toggling enb on and off :) JUST IMAGINE ALL THE DARKS ARE GLOWING WHITE




Also I have disabled mods like darker dungeons etc and they have not got rid of the effect, I turned on wait busy renderer or w/e and it did the same as fraps did. Just making it less noticeable but still annoying


My specs are HERE


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