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Nif Plugins Export Errors


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I'm having a problem with exporting using the Niftools exporter and I'm hoping someone here can give me some answer and/or insight as to what's going on. Here's my problem:


I'm using 3ds Max 2010 and V3.5.5 of the exporter and trying to export what should be a simple, straightforward mesh for use in Fallout 3 as a static model (for misc. use). After figuring out how to do the collision and exporting the model then checking it in Nifskope, several things are not right! First, the root node is NOT named BSFadeNode, even though I've set that option at the bottom of the Export dialog before export. Second, it refuses to create a BSShaderPPLightingProperty for the textures and creates a number of other Ni-prefixed texture stuff instead. And last, I need to create a NiStringExtraData node to mimic the game model I intend to replace but have no idea how to get it in there.


Just recently, I looked into these problems further and was able to find out that there's a newer version of the plugin available - I found a V3.7.2 on Github and tried it. This time, when I export it creates the shader node but doesn't create the NiMaterialProperty node below it!


So my problems still remain... Can someone shed some light on this and help get this export going right? I know that I can cut and paste into another .nif but I'd like to avoid that if at all possible because I have a custom collision on my model that I've already tried pasting without success. Any help appreciated!

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The 3.7.2 version that you got from github, whose version was that, Theru's or Figments?


I have no idea whose version it was... There was no author info in the readme. The only details I can give you would be on the archive & plugin contained within. If it helps, here it is:


Niftools - Max 2010 32.7z (which only contained a readme and the plugin)


NifPlugins.dlu - Filedate: Sat Oct.12 2012 11:45:06 AM Size: 3247 KB


I have to ask, why does matter which person it was? Was one's release flawed and the other wasn't?


(UPDATE) Just checked my other machine's history, since it was the one I DLed the file with, and the link was 'github.com/nexustheru/...'. So, I'm assuming it was Theru from that address.

Edited by Ranx31
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Thanks very much for the quick response!


I was only asking about which author it might have been as your question implied that you were aware of some difference between the two... :confused:


If you are not able to get any further info that's fine too. Thanks for the effort in any event. Hopefully, someone else will read this and be able to offer some info on how to get a proper export. For all I know, it might be some step(s) I'm missing in the process.

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