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HEV MK 6: The Fallout Hazard Suit.

Reclaimer Alchemist

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Greetings, Nexus!


It's a pleasure to finally be posting here.


I come to you this evening with a request, and I'm confident in doing so now that the GECK has been released.


I know this might be a bit much to request; some out there feel that two games should never be integrated in any way, but I implore you to first listen before your final judgement is passed.


My commission is an HEV Hazard Suit from Valve's Half-Life franchise, I have always loved the series/suit itself, and thought to myself that a suit such as this might be plausible in the fallout universe! Think radiation protection here, people. I don't necessarily need the accompanying AI voice. (Though it would be a nice touch, the Pip-Boy 3000 takes care of this role.) This request is at the behest of all those who have contemplated/desired the creation of such a suit, I'm thinking of all of you.



My fondest regards and wishes to the modding community, you are our only hope!


-Reclaimer Alchemist



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