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Riddle Trivia


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Did the man call the one he called because he was worried about them? no


Did the man call to some official building? no


Did he call home? no


------- ok time for some hints...


-He is in a hotel...


-He couldn't sleep because of a noise...


-He made the call becasue of the noise...


-Making the call stopped the noise...

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Ok, this probably isn't the right answer but something to the right direction I hope...


The guy couldn't sleep because someone in a neighbour room was taking shower and the noise disturbed him... when he called the shower guy he had to come out and answer.

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He was calling the room near him to get them to stop making noise. They were making noise due to a "fun activity." The phone ringing ruined the "fun" and the couple settled down, so the man could sleep.

Ok, that was a wild guess, but any thing could be true at this point.

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Ok, this probably isn't the right answer but something to the right direction I hope...


you are very close!!!


The guy couldn't sleep because someone in a neighbour room -this is where it goes wrong- was taking shower and the noise disturbed him...


He was calling the room near him to get them to stop making noise. yes


They were making noise due to a "fun activity." no (not really...)


How did he know the number? he knew it because the person was right next to his room...


in alot of hotels you can dial 1 or 2 numbers (usualy 1 or 2) and then the room number and you get a direct connection




You guys are VERY close, keep it up!!

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i got it, dude next t him was snoring! he called, dude woke up and he quit snoring!


DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! What do we have for him Johnny?


You have just won a brand new car!!!


No... actually you get to ask the next riddle!!


Give us a good one Hogosha Ookami!!

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