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Block seating and whatever get out of sneaking mode


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I find it somewhat scary and irritating when I'm having my character sneak and I inadvertently take an action that stops him. That mean I didn't press the sneak button yet was forced out of the mode, ie: mistakenly pressing the action button when the corresponding action was to seat, like when sneakily looting a table. A few different way of doing those action while sneaking could be made available, in order of preference:

  1. by a popup which the overwriting, of the new default behavior (of getting out of sneak mode without having pressed the sneak button), isn't the sneak button (ie: tab to cancel and R to do it anyway)
  2. a mod configuration mod (ie: MCM) lets the user choose the original behavior or the new one (perhaps there can even be a button to toggle but I think that would be very low priority since I think people that would install & keep such a mod would have little interest in doing those action while in sneak mode and wouldn't mind having to do the extra interactions (of going through the mod configuration mod) if they ever want to)
  3. the only way to get back to the original behavior is by disabling the mod (it shouldn't a problem, see the previous point parenthesis why)


Thank you for your consideration

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