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Nexus Mod Manager Issues-No mod will work


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Hey all,


I just recently purchased Skyrim for the PC (completed on 360, 417 hours game time).


I wanted to get back into the game using some of the fantastic mods out there. Plus with my new PC I can actually enjoy the graphics better.


So I have NMM installed. It found my Skyrim directory without any issues. I have SKSE installed properly (confirmed by going into the game and using the console and typing GetSKSEVersion. So I know it's running properly.


I have installed SkyUI and the RaceMenu mods using the automatic installation version via NMM. However, when I run the game using the SKSE Loader...SKSE is running, but neither mod works.


So I tried other mods that didnt require SKSE and launching using the NMM. Not a single mod works. Including Skyrim HD textures. Not sure what is going wrong. Any ideas from those of you who know much more than me?





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