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City of Scum


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I saw this and figured I'd like to get involved if I could.

Sorry I've been away for a while. We moved South, lol, and it took a while.


Anyway, I was a faily good scripter and figured out how to make recipes and some mean weapons. I'm also the creator of the Lights Heljarchen Hall, Lakeview manor, and Winstad manor mods. I also write scripts, and can do some voiceovers. Which is partly also why I haven't been around. The last time I played the quest engine was broken.(Oct. of last year). OMG, it has been a long time. Real life set in bigtime.


If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. The reason I got into Skyrim in the first place was to use the Construction Kit. Then I fell in love with the game.

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@GaryFishFX - Sure, you can help. We'll be needing voices (can you say "yarrrrrr", "wench", "grog", "shiver me timbers", etc. convincingly? xD), and we may need a new scripter, depending on how my friend TheSkoomaKing feels about continuing working on this mod. There is a need for detailed interior work as well!

So, I'll message you sometime soon, with the files.


@Everyone - Here's some new images of the work I've done on the exterior of the Dormant Volcano island:










Edited by Xion209
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  • 3 weeks later...

hey, back from finals week and moving out of my dorm at college and settling in my new apartment and blah blah blah all that junk, just letting you guys know I now have some free time to work on anything we need to get this mod rolling again!

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This is just wonderful.


I am going to spend a moment writing a longer response after I make coffee, but separately I offer my services as the voice of Brinyof!


In fact, I think there is a number of voices in Skyrim, that I could do spot on.


Please send me a private message if you are interested, and we can set up a Skype call or something.


I think you will be impressed! (also I have some quality recording equipment, that I somewhat know how to use, so possibly I could just send you files)

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I did not read the 20 pages of proceeding responses, so forgive me if anything I say is redundant.


This is such a great idea! I am the creative type, so I will just spew out what comes to mind.


First I'm imagining the picture you have painted in my mind, a harbor with 2 old ships, a short wide dock, facing this small, shadowy, lightly torch lit town.


I think the buildings, should be a bit tilted, as if the foundation is sinking, with light use of rubble, and ferns around the base.


I think dark and gloomy is good, but I always like to see some dashes of red, or purple, perhaps on a sign. It would add contrast, and richness.


I think there are some wonderful armor mods out there, and getting some of these models into your island would be great, but I also imagine having a few armor types, and pirate hats, unique to this mod.


I think sound is very important. Both ambient, and music. First on the dock, very quiet, with some water sounds coming from under the dock. Perhaps some random spooky sounds. Then as you come into town, music would begin. I think a tasty pirate jam, would set the mood. then the ambient noise becomes the sound of drunken pirates, either reveling, or brawling...


Sound and music is HUGE.


I think there should be some characters that you can interact with. New voiceover NPCs, with quests, and lore, right there, before you even enter town.


One could be a guy fishing quietly on the dock, another could be a woman with a cart, selling some goods or another, who also has some lore, and a small quest or two she can begin.


Some people would pass right by, but others, who actually went and spoke to these casual looking NPCs, would right away get immersed into the lore of the island, and realize "this more than an inn!"


I personally like to see heavy use of creature attacks. it's always fun to whack some skeevers, and loot some tail.


I think it would be very cool, to add in some content specific to a mage class. I imagine the bulk of it, will be more rogue type lore, and quests, having at least one cool mage type quest chain would be fun.


My next idea, is cool, but perhaps near impossible.


When you steal in Skyrim, the NPCs don't respond in any RP, or immersive, realistic way. this is because they are not programmed to do anything but catch you red handed.


Even if you wrote out a cool system, for how NPCs would respond to theft, to make it truly immersive, and worthy of being considered a "sub-game" the sheer amount of programming, I think is massive.


Buuuut, I think that anything that leans in this direction, would be cool. When you steal, the NPC might say "Hey, who robbed my chest!" It would be at least a little immersion.



Well then, I could go on, but I spare you.


If you like any of my ideas, I would be honored.



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oh yes we will have voiced NPCs so your help will be welcome :)


we will have sounds and custom things, Mr Dave said he will make pirate hats for us, we will have seagulls flying and on the docks with sounds as well from Birds of Skyrim, as well as other outfits and quests


music and sounds is something Skoomaking was looking into, and custom locations like a cave with a very old ship in it




credit to Miggs69 for the picture

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