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Missing powers


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Hello, I have an issue I'd grateful for help with, either directly, or pointing me in the right direction. This is regarding Skyrim special edition.

There are a couple of powers I'm supposed to have gotten from 2 different mods, which are not appearing. There is no obvious conflict I can see.

Specifically, the 2 missing powers are :

1 Devotee - Channel Divinity - this is from wintersun, and yes I have got sufficient faith, and had the animation and message to tell me that I am now a devotee.

2 charm - from wearing the masque of Clavius vile - this additional power for the masque is from a mod called reliquary of myth - not too popular yet but is very current and is otherwise working just fine for me.

I don't have any other issues with either mod, or indeed any of the other 200 or so installed, all of which seem fairly mainstream and well endorsed.

I'm looking for known bugs/ issues that might cause powers not to appear for my character?

There is nothing about this on either mod page, and the fact that it's just the powers not being added makes me suspect it's not the mods fault, if that makes sense.... Although other powers appear to be working.

I'm using the current version of Skyrim, skse and other essential patches like the unofficial patch and sse engine fixes.

I know there might be other info people need in order to help, but this is my first time here and I'm not sure exactly what is relevant. Apologies for any misstep or bad etiquette.

Thanks any thoughts or comments



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