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NPC's as Crafting Stations


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Total newbie to the CK. I've figured out how the program handles crafting, and I even have recipes and a custom crafting station set up right now -- but it currently takes the form of a crate.


My question is: How can I get an actor to serve as a crafting workbench, and ideally via a dialogue option? Is there some kind of simple script trigger I could use?


Please tailor your explanations as though you were speaking to a child, or the village idiot.

Edited by teknoarcanist
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Ooh, interesting concept!


I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you, but you might find what you're looking for in the mod Frostfall -- that one adds a carryable item, the mortar and pestle, which functions as an alchemy table. That item must trigger some kind of script action that drops the player into the alchemy crafting UI -- you might be able to take it apart and figure out how it works, and how to do the same thing via dialog...

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Ooh, interesting concept!


I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you, but you might find what you're looking for in the mod Frostfall -- that one adds a carryable item, the mortar and pestle, which functions as an alchemy table. That item must trigger some kind of script action that drops the player into the alchemy crafting UI -- you might be able to take it apart and figure out how it works, and how to do the same thing via dialog...


That might be something to try; I do have Frostfall already. Though dissecting it may be a little over my head ;P



Did something like that a while ago.


Mine just creates an invisible crafting table in front of the player and activates through scripts. Then the table deletes itself when the menu closes.


Nice! That might be exactly what I'm looking for. How did you go about doing that?

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Like I said, create an invisible crafting table in front of the player and activate it through script. Then delete the table when the menu closes.


Items in the inventory receive an OnActivate() or OnEquipped() event when clicked, I forget which. So attach a script to some inventory item you want to use that looks something like this. The below script isnt complete, or tested, or anything but should get you started.


Furniture Property BaseBench  Auto  
ObjectReference Property ActiveBench  Auto 

event OnEquipped()
ActiveBench = Game.GetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(BaseBench) ;<-- must delete this when your done or you will wreck peoples save game
Debug.Notification("You unpack your equipment") 

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