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Windstad being built at Lakeview


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So I started building my home in Windstad Manor only to realize nothing was showing up. After searching the net for a while I came across bug report saying that sometimes the building will show up at Lakeview Manor instead. So I ran down there and low and behold there it was.


So here's what I need to know:


1. Is there an unoffical patch out there that can fix this?


2. I heard this can be prevented by Building Lakeview Manor first so I'm wondering if I start building Lakeview Manor will this auto correct itself or will it cause an issue?


3. Is there a console command I can use to reset the building of Windstand back to nothing (heck I have enough money I can even rebuy the property if need be) so I can build Lakeview first to prevent this.


The only other solution I've found online seems to be to disable Hearthfire completely save and restart the DLC from scratch. Which I can do if need be but that would be a bit of a pain as I would lose everything the DLC adds as well as everything in the mods I'll have to disable in the process.


If anyone can help I'd apreacate it, thanks

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