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Thieves Guild Side Jobs Req Reduction


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Asked about this in the mod detectives thread as I wasn't sure after searching if such a mod existed, that was nine days ago but it's not been replied too so asking here.


Anyone willing and able to reduce the 125 side jobs required for the thieves guild? The problem I find is that the 'Jobs' aren't difficult but painfully tedious.


With load screens even as short as they are on the PC version 125 is not only offensive but utterly absurd, I mean beyond the normal special jobs (5 jobs + 1 special job x 4 towns = 24 jobs) that's at least 606 load screens, that's presuming you only take jobs within Riften excluding the stables and the location is a single cell taking the shortest route possible to grind it out.


Also, in case my calculations are incorrect, how I came up with 606?


Presuming you are standing in the Ragged Flagon.


Step 001 - Exit to Cistern, first load screen. (Running Total: 1)

Step 002 - Exit to Riften, second load screen. (Running Total: 2)

Step 003 - Entering job location*, third load screen. (Running Total: 3)

Step 004 - Exit job location to Riften**, fourth load screen. (Running Total: 4)

Step 005 - Enter Cistern, fifth load screen. (Running Total: 5)

Step 006 - Enter Ragged Flagon, sixth load screen. (Running Total: 6)

Step 007 - Repeat previous steps 101 times.


* - Presuming you exploit or use a mod to only do jobs within Riften also excluding the stables otherwise the numbers start to increase exponentially.

** - Presuming your target is in a single cell, if it's a multi-cell building start adding even more load screens.


So, anyone willing to make it fit in more with the default special jobs requirements? Something like 30 in total so six beyond the requirements of the special jobs.


That would make it 36 load screens beyond special job requirements using the formula above for a total of 180 load screens total when included.

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