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MySanity - BANNED

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MySanity banned.


Reason for the ban

Mod comment troll.


There's a right way and a wrong way to request help with something.


This is the WRONG way:

This mod removed my hotkeys all together, and it remained that way even after I removed it. I can't reinstall my game either, because all of my items are stored in a modded place.


I have nothing but the utmost hatred for this utterly worthless mod, thank you for effectively ruining my game for me. Thanks a lot.


EDIT: I reinstalled my game (lost my items), and you know what? You know f***ing what? I STILL cannot actually use the default hotkey. I am unfathomably angry right now, not only has this mod screwed me out of ALL OF MY f***ing ITEMS, BUT NOW I CANT EVEN PLAY IT PROPERLY. f*** YOU.


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