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Picking your brain


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Hi i'm posting this cause i'm looking for someone who knows a good amount about making quests, and scripting, i have some good ideas for quests, and i've been trying and trying to make them on my own, i get so far then it seems like i hit a wall where i can't fiqure out a script or something or along those lines. I enjoy trying to make quests, but when your stuck on something for a week or 2 you just want to give up. So if anybody has got the knowlegde and is willing to let me pick there brain, i would really appericate it. Thank you
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If you make a more specific topic and include the script you're having trouble with at the time, someone here may very well be able to help.
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Well i'm just trying to get general tullius to move to a certain cell, the Winking Skeever, But now i would just be happy with a objective marker over his head and don't care if he's in castle dour. I've asked for help, people showed me tutorials that i've already looked over, but i looked over them again anyway, still i couldn't fiqure it out or find the answer. I appericate everyones help really i do, but maybe i've spent to much time look for the answer i could be just totally missing it.
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