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Mage-based companion won't use magic


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I'm using several companion mods and they work fine. They engage enemies and use everything according to their fighting style.

Except mage companions. More specifically mage companions I have tweaked myself a little.


2 example companion mods with mage companions:


Summon Vampire: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/42092

GGC Valeria and Vincente Companion Revived: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/10266


Both companions, if chosen mage class for them, use magic and magic staff until out of magicka or charge when they engage the enemy. But after tweaking the damaging spells of 'Summon Vampire' in CS she just don't use magic anymore like she used to without my tweaks, standing around or just getting distance from the enemy. 'Valeria' who is still untweaked uses magics like there is no tomorrow.


Same with CM partners:

CM Companion Anais: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/39946


Everything is fine but as soon as I use the CS to give her some custom spells she won't use magic or magic staff, except maybe one charge from the magic staff in the beginning of the fight. I have givven both 'Summon Vampire' and 'Anais' extra 800 magicka but they still won't use magic.


Don't know if I miss something but hope there is help for them and me.


Thanks for the efforts.

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