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faster cars


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i love driving just around with those cars, but they are damn to slow. quads/atvs are not fast i know, but a buggy is really awesome in accaleration and speeding. Those speedometers shows only 60 mp/h, maybe someone could tweek them to get more fun.


Thanks in advance :)

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don't know about ALL cars but yes i agree the buggy should have been faster.


not sure if it is a glitch or something but reversing some trucks seems faster then when driving forward in them.


as for modding visual things like speedometers, that probably won't happen as it is a animated object.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So you are saying that all the vehicles actually go the same speed?


have you tried comparing different vehicles files to find ANY factors related to speed? (e.g. gearing, velocity, force, ect. I haven't checked any vehicle files myself but i might take a look soon)


just checked through the files and managed to find what looks like it might do what you want




extract entitylibrary.fcb and/or entitylibrary_full.fcb


then open the folder FC3_Vehicles


explore around for the vehicle you want, open the file with an xml editor (i recomend notepad++)


with land vehicles search for the word "WheeledParams"

sea vehicles don't seem to use the same variables, the closest i have found is under "CFCXVehicle" which is used by all vehicles

Edited by mlmbug
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you probably won't see any difference due to the fact there is no acurate way of telling what speed you are moving.


which vehicle are you tring to edit, there are some vehicles that are only used in certain missions and you won't find them any where else.


did you try changing said values an extreme value? that should tell you if what you are doing is doing anything or not.



i think there is a mod that changes how vehicles work over in the mod section, perhaps (if there is one) see what it is that they did.



if none of that works it is probable that speeding up vehicles may not be possible. however you just made me curious about wheather i would be able to edit vehicles myself.

Edited by mlmbug
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