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Screen is Fading Gray and then Back to Normal?


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Alright, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, sorry. During my playthrough of SE my screen has started randomly fading into a darkish color and then back to normal, I thought it was a disease at first, but I've checked multiple times now, and it's not. I'm not sure what's causing this but it's really starting to bother me and I assume it is caused by one of my mods. If anyone can help it will be appreciated. Sorry if this is some game feature I haven't seen before or something. I thought I had fixed this but the problem came right back again, which is what the edits are. (Uninstalling fixes but the problem seems to come back after a while, and I don't want to reinstall every time it comes back)


Here is an example of the flashing:



Also my load order:


Edited by someonethatexists
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