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Stardew Valley

Weird Kitchen glitch?


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In case anyone else is curious, I finally figured out that it was The Artisan Valley mod. I spent all night messing around with different configurations of mods, but once I took that out everything fixed itself.

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  • 4 months later...

In case anyone else is curious, I finally figured out that it was The Artisan Valley mod. I spent all night messing around with different configurations of mods, but once I took that out everything fixed itself.

I have the same problem, but in my case, Artisan Valley works correctly for me ... I'm doing some tests, and so far the problem reappears when I put the mods on: Sweet Tooth and Farmer to Florist;
I'm still testing some more ...
Edited by NatrollEXE
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I already managed to solve the problem ...The problem was in 2 translation mods for PT-BR that I had installed separately. I didn't know that these mods (Fruits and Veggies and Farmer to Florist) are already translated natively into other languages... So as soon as I removed the other translation mods for them, the game went back to working perfectly!


Now I can play again, thanks for trying to help! If your friend tells you, share it with us, as it can help other people solve problems like this. :laugh: :laugh:

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