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arrow pack


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Ok people i had this idea while sitting at work. So many different types of arrows have been used over the course of history. I was thinking of creating a mod using some of these, and i want to spruce up archery. I don't know if this possible to even make this, so if you have tips to help me achieve this, plz, by all means post it, i need the help.


1. Barbed arrows


-Cause small bleed damage while the target moves after being hit, also slows target


-if that's not possible just cause bleed damage and slow the target


2. Broad arrows


-damage buff against light to no armor, Extremely small chance to cut artery causing instant death

-damage debuff against heavy armor, causes 25% chance to stagger 75% if you have perk


this is what i have so far and i think ill make adaptations from iron through daedric and for the bolts as well and i will also think on more types to make as well.

Edited by Halivar1
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