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(REQ)New secret Bunker and quests


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Hey There


Just finished watching Ironman for the 3rd time, and hoped someone could put together a new secret bunker holding Ironmans armour, could even be the Prototype Avengers Underground Bunker. Add new items like Ironmans Armour etc, Jarvis the AI and his controlled Robots and turrets. Quests could include getting the bunker up and running, finding items that Jarvis needs to get up and running, and to repair the Armours you find inside.


Could also include the need to protect the Bunker from the Enclave after you've repaired it. New Weapons, New Villians (could have hidden in their own bunkers in stasis, and were alerted to the Ironmans Bunker activation:})


Could also have The Hulk..LOL, now that would be fun.


Thanx in advance if anyone can do it



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Wasn't the "Hulk" that super-mutant behemoth at GNR?? j/k!


Personally some variant that was like the movie's suit 1 - with a Flamer on one arm and a missle launcher on the other might be really nice! Till then I guess I'll use the T-51b and Vengence... (have to really scrounge for that ammo though!) Eugene is nice too, just not very accurate at range.

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