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Remove Dynamic Leveling


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I have been trying out the Requiem mod, and while I am impressed with a lot of the features, it is presenting me with one major problem. While I really like the elimination of the dynamic leveling monsters and loot, the combat lethality has been tweaked to the point that I cant even step outside of the inn without getting slaughtered by every newbie bandit or wolf I run into. The only way I can avoid dying several times even in the tutorial is by hiding behind my guide. Now I admit my reflexes suck, but I am thinking there must be a better way for me. Since I am primarily interested in what Requiem does with static monster and rare loot allocation (dynamic leveling has been my one pet peave with the recent Elder Scrolls games), I was wondering if there are any other mods out there that accomplish that without the big combat system overhaul. Or failing that, is there anyway to tweak the Requiem mod itself where combat is a bit less lethal (for me, the monsters seem to be suviving just fine).



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I have been trying out the Requiem mod, and while I am impressed with a lot of the features, it is presenting me with one major problem. While I really like the elimination of the dynamic leveling monsters and loot, the combat lethality has been tweaked to the point that I cant even step outside of the inn without getting slaughtered by every newbie bandit or wolf I run into. The only way I can avoid dying several times even in the tutorial is by hiding behind my guide. Now I admit my reflexes suck, but I am thinking there must be a better way for me. Since I am primarily interested in what Requiem does with static monster and rare loot allocation (dynamic leveling has been my one pet peave with the recent Elder Scrolls games), I was wondering if there are any other mods out there that accomplish that without the big combat system overhaul. Or failing that, is there anyway to tweak the Requiem mod itself where combat is a bit less lethal (for me, the monsters seem to be suviving just fine).




Not to self-advertise, but I can think of two mods that do this:


1. Morrowloot

2. SME - Skyrim Medieval Economy (my mod!)


I'm sure that there are others as well, but I can personally vouch for Morrowloot--as I've played with it before--and obviously, I can definitely vouch for SME. In terms of differentiating the two, Morrowloot is... pretty much an unleveled take on the Skyrim loot system and includes many artifacts from Morrowind in hand-laced locations. SME is an entire economy rebalance, but also delevels loot and makes sure that only lore-friendly loot winds up in lore-appropriate containers (vendors and as loot). If you're interested in SME, I'd advise to read the Comments section, as that's where the most recent information can be found. Morrowloot seems to be final/ceased development, whereas SME is an ongoing project.

Edited by sukeban
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