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Missing Sounds


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I made a NPC mod and I downloaded a combat shotgun replacer and it includes custom sounds and meshes, textures, etc.


But the sounds play when I use them (my player) but when NPC's shoot them, you can just hear the bullets hit the target. Not the custom shooting sound. *Bang!* (lol)


anyway, I went in the geck and the sounds are assigned and everything is fine I think.


Please, if you have any ideas, post them below

I will give more detail if needed.


Thanks :thumbsup:

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DrPepper715 - Hello!


Are there two sounds for the weapon?


There should be two sounds assigned under the Art & Sound tab of the weapon in GECK, one is what the player hears when an NPC fires:


Attack Sound


The other is what the player hears when they fire:


Attack Sound (2D)


The sound files themselves can actually be identical just with different names.


Fallout 3 seems to be a bit fussy about naming though & I've seen it ignore improperly named sound files so I always stick to the naming convention set in vanilla sounds.


The Attack Sound (2D) sounds should be named something like:




The Attack Sound should be named something like:




Obviously that middle "NameofyourWeapon" is up to you. :)


Check in GECK that the path set for the sounds matches where they have been placed in the Data folder.


If it's the NPC fire sound missing then take particular note of the WPN 3D one.


Check to see if the WPN 3D plays in GECK, go to it in Sounds.


Also, in GECK, the Attack Sound (2D) should have:


2D Radius

360 LFE


Ticked, at least normally.


The other Attack Sound normally has neither ticked & no other setting ticked (just No Looping set).


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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DrPepper715 - Hello!


Are there two sounds for the weapon?


There should be two sounds assigned under the Art & Sound tab of the weapon in GECK, one is what the player hears when an NPC fires:


Attack Sound


The other is what the player hears when they fire:


Attack Sound (2D)


The sound files themselves can actually be identical just with different names.


Fallout 3 seems to be a bit fussy about naming though & I've seen it ignore improperly named sound files so I always stick to the naming convention set in vanilla sounds.


The Attack Sound (2D) sounds should be named something like:




The Attack Sound should be named something like:




Obviously that middle "NameofyourWeapon" is up to you. :)


Check in GECK that the path set for the sounds matches where they have been placed in the Data folder.


If it's the NPC fire sound missing then take particular note of the WPN 3D one.


Check to see if the WPN 3D plays in GECK, go to it in Sounds.


Also, in GECK, the Attack Sound (2D) should have:


2D Radius

360 LFE


Ticked, at least normally.


The other Attack Sound normally has neither ticked & no other setting ticked (just No Looping set).


Hope this helps!



Hey Prensa,

So I recorded with my laptop which is a toaster and I made a video on youtube on whats going on.

Here is the link to the video,






Anyways while I was playing, and at a specific part of the video when the npc was shooting me but the projectiles where missing I could hear the shooting sound BARELY. the volume was (obviously) high and I could barely hear it.

Any thoughts?

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DrPepper715 - Hello!


Have you checked it's setting in GECK as mentioned in my post above?


If so & that's drawn a blank, check the weapons sounds directly in your folder & make sure they sound fine in a media player, taking particular note of the one that's labeled with 3D at the end as that should be the one that you hear when an NPC fires the weapon.


In GECK, call up the 3D sound to the problem weapon.


Now call up the vanilla shotgun sound:




Compare the settings "Minimum Attenuation Distance" as that controls the distance at which the weapon's sound will be the loudest. Make sure it's not too low.


I've found in the past that experimenting with either using 360 LFE, 2D or 2D Radius or combinations of those can help.



Edited by prensa
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DrPepper715 - Hello!


Have you checked it's setting in GECK as mentioned in my post above?


If so & that's drawn a blank, check the weapons sounds directly in your folder & make sure they sound fine in a media player, taking particular note of the one that's labeled with 3D at the end as that should be the one that you hear when an NPC fires the weapon.


In GECK, call up the 3D sound to the problem weapon.


Now call up the vanilla shotgun sound:




Compare the settings "Minimum Attenuation Distance" as that controls the distance at which the weapon's sound will be the loudest. Make sure it's not too low.


I've found in the past that experimenting with either using 360 LFE, 2D or 2D Radius or combinations of those can help.



Hey Prensa,


So I compared the "Minimum Attenuation Distance" with the regular combat shotgun and my custom one and I went in game and got no luck.

I then went to the directory, Data/Sound/FX/WPN/(myweapon) /M1012 and in the 3d sound file I previews it in Windows Media Player and it sounds quieter than the 2d one.

(So obviously the 3D sound file is the issue)

I then went in the GECK again and tried playing around with the sounds and the only thing that works is when I give the WPN3D Sound the 2D WAV file it sounds normal but I can hear it from 3 miles away just like I was firing it when the NPC really is firing it.

Still really puzzled about this. :confused:

Edited by DrPepper715
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DrPepper715 - Hello!


Okay, looking at some of the sounds from other weapons I find that some use the same sound for 2D & 3D.


However, it looks like the 2D & 3D (based on what vanilla weapons use) should be different to each other.


2D sounds are stero while the 3D are mono.


Apart from the lack of stereo effect they should sound about the same volume though.


Have you got a sound program to check them in like Audacity?


Audacity is a simple to use (& free!) program for manipulating sound files:




You can check to see if one is mono & the other stereo in that.


The 2D should have two channels in the display & the 3D should have one.


You can even use Audacity to increase the sounds volume in case it's just simply too quiet by going to Effect - Amplify & saving. Make a backup first though!


Hope this helps!



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DrPepper715 - Hello!


Okay, looking at some of the sounds from other weapons I find that some use the same sound for 2D & 3D.


However, it looks like the 2D & 3D (based on what vanilla weapons use) should be different to each other.


2D sounds are stero while the 3D are mono.


Apart from the lack of stereo effect they should sound about the same volume though.


Have you got a sound program to check them in like Audacity?


Audacity is a simple to use (& free!) program for manipulating sound files:




You can check to see if one is mono & the other stereo in that.


The 2D should have two channels in the display & the 3D should have one.


You can even use Audacity to increase the sounds volume in case it's just simply too quiet by going to Effect - Amplify & saving. Make a backup first though!


Hope this helps!




are you a mod god. Yeah you are.

Thank you so very much, you can be my first tester of the Mod I am making when It comes out. :dance: :dance:

I have screenshots too, if you want to see the progress; find me on steam! Dr pepper715 was my original name.


Once again, you are my savior!

THANKS Prensa! :thumbsup:

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  • 2 years later...

Sweet Monkey Christ....for YEARS I have been struggling with this very same problem and for the same number of years I searched in vain for a solution.


Until now.


All the previous results I got were conflicting data involving stereo vs mono, this bitrate vs that bitrate and so on.


None solved anything.


Until now.




For my own purposes I cherry-picked the (based on what helped me) portions of this thread and distilled it down to a txt file. I post it here in hopes it will help others in the future (as well as give me a Hail-Mary backup option in case my computer spontaneously combusts some day).. :wink:


There should be two sounds assigned under the Art & Sound tab of the weapon in GECK...

1) Attack Sound: This is what the player hears when an NPC fires.

2) Attack Sound (2D): This is what the player hears when s/he fires.

The sound files themselves can actually be identical just with different names and settings. Their Settings should be as follows:

Attack Sound (2D):

2D Radius
360 LFE

Attack Sound (3D)

No Settings Enabled; (just verify that Looping is set to None).

Fallout 3 is a bit fussy about naming & I've seen it ignore improperly named sound files so I'd stick to the naming convention set in vanilla sounds.


The Attack Sound (2D) files should be named something like:


The Attack Sound (3D) files should be named something like:


Obviously the {NameofyourWeapon} portion is up to you.

Troubleshooting Tips:

1) Verify in GECK that the path set for the sounds matches where they have been placed in the Data folder.

2) If it's the NPC fire sound missing verify that the WPN 3D sound plays in GECK. Go to it in Sounds and click Play.

3) Compare the "Minimum Attenuation Distance" settings of the closest vanilla weapon as these settings control the distance at which the weapon's sound will be the loudest. Make sure they're comparable.

Edited by GrimReapers1
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