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Altering Region's Weather


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My name is Jackson L. I, like a few others, are trying to create an exterior house. I am ultimately trying get rid of the rain and snow in the area I have built my home. I have heard that one way to do it is create a NEW region and adjust the weather so it does not rain or snow in the area. Here are the steps I have gone through, and yet when I go to the house it still rains and snows. What am I doing wrong?


Any help would be very gracious,




Jackson L


STEP 1: I create the region.




STEP 2: Next, I go to weather, and select a weather to override.




STEP 3: I click add and "Select form" pops up and I just hit "OK" instead of selecting something. Am I suppose to "select a form" for the weathers?




STEP 4: I select "override".





Here's a picture of a dragon attacking me on my new estate for those who are curious!






Anyone know how to get this working or what I have done wrong?






Edited by jacksonl
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