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can't get in volkihar keep dawnguard


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so i just started to play dawnguard, rescued serana from her cript and get her home.

then i can't open the door to the castle, serana doesen't even try to open the door, and the quest never actualize.

i have allready tried via code to get the quest to stage 10 with "setstage DLC1VQ02 10", uninstall all mods, re load the game, re install dawnguard (installed the unoficial patch) nothing seems to work please help

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  • 5 months later...

Try this. Once outside the Keep. Open console and type "setstage DLC1VQ02 10" This should bring up a quest progression. "speak to harkon" Then you open console again and type Player.moveto 02003ba8.
this should move you inside to Harkon.

The only thing you seem to miss by doing this is the entry to the castle.

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