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Can anyone help with Scripting?


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Hey guys,


So I'm a little strange and I like how the poison effect renders my character, and would like to emulate that look by creating a constant effect ring/amulet/whatever that has a magic effect with the looks of poison. However, I discovered that I can't change the looks of magic effect in CS without writing a script.


My question is how to best write that script. I know I have to write it as Begin OnEquip, but don't know how I can proceed after that. Basically I don't care what the magic effect is, I just want the effect to look like the poison effect.


Can anybody help please?



MFW I can't figure out what to do

Edited by epidemikk
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Ok, first I want you to go to the magic list and find the shader abilities: there used by ghosts, undead, etc.

If you open that bad boy up, you'll be able to see the script effect, copy and paste that script into a new one, replace the magic effect with the poison effect.

Now, make a new ability, or just copy a shader, and change the script effect to your new script.


Now, you need to make the trigger script. Make a new script, and with begin on equip addspell *your new ability*, then make a begin onunequip block with remove *your new ability*.

Now, when the item is equipped the effect should play until the equipment is removed.


It will look something like this:


Begin OnEquip

AddSpell ShaderPoisonEffect


Begin OnUnEquip

RemoveSpell ShaderPoisonEffect


Edited by scarycave
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Hey Scarycave,


So I opened the Lich script effect, and found this:


ScriptName LichNetherScript


begin ScriptEffectStart

PlayMagicShaderVisuals creatureEffectLichNether

saa 0.5




begin ScriptEffectFinish

StopMagicShaderVisuals creatureEffectLichNether

saa 1.0



So now I have to change the script to something like this:


ScriptName aaaMyScriptName


begin ScriptEffectStart





begin ScriptEffectFinish



is that right? it says 'effect not found' when I try to save it.

Also am I supposed to have 2 scripts? 1 for effect and 1 for trigger? If so, what is their order?


I am a newb to this. Thanks for your time kind sir/madam

Edited by epidemikk
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