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Anyone Remember 'Death Has Consequences'?


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So, I've been building a load order since switching to Special Edition and one thing I just can't find is a suitable death overhaul mod. Tried all that I know of Respawn, Death Alternative, Dead Is Dead, Ashes, Mirewalker, Death Is Highly Overrated etc. Many are impressively made, but I find that given the option of accepting heavy penalties for dying or reloading an earlier save (even with Hardcore Save) it's usually a no-brainer to just reload and swear to do better next time.


'Death Has Consequences' for LE was a Script Dragon plugin that could be configured with an .ini file and would track total deaths and then apply the relevant ammount of penalties to all of that characters saves. That way if you mess up and die, even a reload of an earlier file can't save you from the consequences of your failure - if you die, you get weaker PERIOD!


I've converted several mods to SE but as a Script Dragon plugin this is beyond me. Anyone got any advice on how to go about bringing that same magic to Special Edition? Sure some will say 'use willpower, don't reload when you die, use Repawn', but humour me, DHC was a great mod that really made you think long and hard about getting into sticky situations knowing that to die meant regressing the equivalent of a level or more. Interested to know what people think. Cheers.

Edited by TheCivillian
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So I discovered Morogoth35's Death Counter (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16593) and have attempted to create a mod based around this, as similiar to the aforemention 'Death Has Consequences', death is tracked externally and is not effected by the player loading an earlier save.


Here's my initial attempt:




I'm sure lots of people request cool mods here, hoping that someone else will magic up their dreams and spare them from the [often] tedious and challenging realities of mod making. This is something my SE playthrough is sorely missing, so don't mind a little graft to make it a reality, but my modding ability is fairly elementary, so really hoping for some advice :-D!

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