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It should count where you get shot. (knee, center mass and head shot m


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I have seen a Headshot mod out there, (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14797) that instantly kills your target when its shot in the head. However, this can become redundant, when obtaining gear made while wearing clothes and jewelry enchanted to boost your upgrade ability up to 100%+, coupled with potions to boost your enchantments, and sneak attacks. You will find yourself oneshotting the target regardless of where you shoot. I oneshot a guard by shooting him in the knee for example.


The mod I am looking for, is a mod that:

-allows you to shoot your target in the foot, arm or knee, without killing them or doing any immediate damage and simply crippling or disarming and causing a bleed effect instead.

-A shot to the center mass will be devestating but not an absolutely assured kill and may leave the target alive with little health left and bleeding out.

-The headshot, will kill the target immediately, if its a normal (unarmored) humanoid.



Ofc, the shot mechanics shouldn't be the same for all creatures, for example:

-Thick sculled beings such as dragons, giants...etc will have resistance to the headshot mechanics (though the damage will still be boosted) and will also be less effected by shots to the center mass and limbs, due to their overall toughness.

-The undead will be very resistant to shots to the center mass and shots to their limbs won't be as effective, since they feel no pain, but will go down when shot in the head.

-The dragonborn ofc, will also have greater resistance to such effects, compared to the lesser mortals.


Armor should count aswell:

Helmeted targets will have added resistance to headshots

Targets with breastplates will be resistant to shots to the center mass



If such a mod doesn't already exist, I hope that my idea may inspire a modder, who finds this concept intoresting. Such a mod would be great for immersion.

Edited by Doofykeeper
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