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Strange Blue Effect NOT ON STICKY (Pics are included in post)


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EDIT RESOLVED! - ALRIGHT!!! I can now confirm that it was indeed the exit from kegranzel that cause this.. as wierd as it sounds i followed the advice to exit kagranzel from the side by using TCL and going through the literal side of the exit point.. I then went back to fight the same dragon and guess what!!!.... NO blue glow, NO one hit kills.. everything it seems is back to normal.. what a strange game bug.. that exiting as location would cause dragon attacks to become friggin one shot kills even on low difficulty and cause a blue glow effect.. I am just baffled by this but hey its fixed so i dont really care :D


BEFOR you say anything YES i did look through the entire sticky about effects attached to characters here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/872861-tutorial-removing-unwanted-magic-effects-from-the-player/ . this post did not have the effect I am referring to.


ALSO i have not added any new mods between when this wasn't happening and when it started happening so i find it very unlikely that its mod related as i havent added or removed anything in about a month. HOWEVER i can list my mods if u guys want but i have hundreds of them


I seem to have a strange problem.. I am trying to fight a dragon and he uses flames on me which does a small amount of damage.. but as the flames wear off these blue sparkles appear around me and my health goes down to nothing instantly :(.. I read something on the uesp wiki about how after exiting kagrenzel through stony creek cave.. some blue particles can stick to the player and are impossible to get rid of..


now i did just exit kagrenzel however this is the first time i have seen any kind of blue effect and it only happens when the dragon fires at me. I even tried turning down the difficulty all the way to the lowest and it still one shot kills me.. can anyone please help me out here :( :(


http://imageshack.us/a/img94/1182/screenshot54154.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img545/2082/screenshot56024.jpg


here is a link to a larger image if needed:


My link


p.s while i am at it i could use some help with 2 other things...

1. when i load a saved game with a weapon in my hand that weapon is invisible but still works until i unequip and then reequip it... not really a huge deal but kind of annoying

2. sometimes a message pops up on the top of my screen and it says "New Aliases" this isn't; really a problem I just want to know what it means and why it suddenly appears when it never did befor

and finally

3. sometimes when i boot up the game all the female models are covered in shadow ie there are no lighting effects whatsoever on them even in the sun or other light sources.. when you get up really close or zoom into your player the shadow goes away but it goes away in blocks or really big pixels it looks so bizarre and i have to reboot the game to fix it as loading a save does nothing.


these things arent a major concern I am most worried about the first part.. thanks again for any help :)

Edited by Demonik420
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I am trying to recreate the effect while being attacked by other creatures.. am i just stupid and this is normal and has somthing to do with the dragons shout?!?! I do have deadly dragons maybe thats why i die so quick. I will post if i can get it to happen from other attackers but so far no luck
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ALRIGHT!!! I can now confirm that it was indeed the exit from kegranzel that cause this.. as wierd as it sounds i followed the advice to exit kagranzel from the side by using TCL and going through the literal side of the exit point.. I then went back to fight the same dragon and guess what!!!.... NO blue glow, NO one hit kills.. everything it seems is back to normal.. what a strange game bug.. that exiting as location would cause dragon attacks to become friggin one shot kills even on low difficulty and cause a blue glow effect.. I am just baffled by this but hey its fixed so i dont really care :D
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I'll have a look at the Kagranzel exit in the CK to see why this effect is being sometimes added to the player. Perhaps it is a feature rather than a bug. If it is a bug, I'll try to make a proper fix for it. Edited by steve40
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