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A small problem with LOD


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I tried to generate LOD for a small landmass (Note: LOD for static objects only, NO terrain and NO tree LOD) which has mountain meshes and dwemer architecture. It keeps saying the same error:



Using 4 processors/cores.

Creating queue of files to be built...

Building 4 chunks at level 4.

Building 1 chunks at level 8.

Building object texture atlas...

Texture atlas build failed with the following errors:

LOD diffuse texture '..\Source\TGATextures\lod\DweRuins01_LOD.tga' and normal texture '..\Source\TGATextures\lod\DweRuins01_LOD_n.tga' are not the same size (but should be).

Waiting for build worker threads to finish...

Build canceled. All worker threads have been terminated.

0 LOD object triangles.

0 were rejected (0 degenerate, 0 under landscape).

0 total LOD object vertices.

No major issues detected.


Is there anything that can be done about this... :confused:

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