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Dialogue History


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I can't count how many times dialogue started and I missed it. Or, sometimes I hear a NPC begin dialogue in the background and by the time my attention is on them the subtitles are already gone and I haven't a clue what they said. Orgnar and his wife are a good example. They start talking and Orgnar often makes humorous remarks in a monotone voice. I've missed many of these comments because reasons, but a dialogue history would make it so you can look up dialogue you missed.


Anyone ever use Notification Log? Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/27707


^^A mod like Notification Log but for dialogue could be very convenient for those times you missed something. Lord knows I don't ever want to miss one of Orgnar's jokes... with a Dialogue History mod you'll never miss a Orgnar joke again ;)


Anyone up for the task?

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