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I can't find any threads to answer this question I hope it belongs here. I have multiple people that use my PC and we all play the same games pretty much, so my question is, is there a way to set it up so that we all use different mods instead of everyone using the same mods with out having to enable and disable mods every time we go to play a game? yes we do each have our own profiles on the pc.

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@ladonshai; Depends on the game and how it handles mods. If they are stored on the PC in a location (folder) unique to each user, then only that user's mods should be available to the game when that user runs it. But if they're stored in a "common" location, then everyone will get the same set of mods. This is a limitation of a game's design, and not something the Nexus can resolve directly.


However... If the game is one supported by Vortex (the Nexus' Mod Manager), then it might be possible. Vortex does have the capability to manage separate "profiles" for a given game. You (and your other users) would have to try it and see! :thumbsup:


NOTE: I play BioWare's Dragon Age-series (too much, probably) and some mods are stored separately, and some not. There are at least five different major types of DA mods, (depending on many things including exactly which game in the series) and they each get installed in a different way! :rolleyes:

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