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Can not get into Whiterun


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I can not get into Whiterun anymore. I spawned about 500 NPCs in Whiterun using console commands; about 200 were dead bodies. It began to really lag, so I left in hope that when the dead bodies had been cleared it would be less laggy. Now when I try to go into Whiterun the loading screen goes on forever.


Does anyone know how I can fix this?

Edited by Conquer737
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I always have issues with whiterun and sometimes outside.


What fixes it for me is a combo of


Load an interior save

fast travel to whiterun

load other save in whiterun




In the keep of whiterun? or want to do it faster?

grave key ~ for console: coc whiterun

then fast travel to whiterun (time doesn't pass with coc travel but with fast travel it does).



I don't know if this will specifically fix your problem but this fixes my outdoors save infinite loading which happens in whiterun most but occasionally other places. Just make sure to keep an interior save where you can fasttravel quick, even having another save within whiterun when you are indoors works sometimes, but the "coc whiterun" command seems most reliable. Sorry its not more specific I don't have it narrowed down, hope it helps.

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