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ColdHeartonIce - BANNED

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ColdHeartonIce banned.




Reason for the ban

Persisting in continuing a personal attack even after the original debate was shut down. After being warned about personal attacks you persist in attacking the same person over the same thing in another debate.


Don't bore me with stuff you studied, i saw you rhetorik at work on gun debates, total blinkered specialist and this virtual stuff underlines the seperation from reality.

Do yourself a favour, look for a good book about computer addiction among kids and read "Inside Anomynous", This you maybee find in the rental library for a few dollar any you can skip your marketing hogwash. Modders don't sell something, modder wanna get attention for their doing because of the doing, They advertise for recognition, this goes hand in hand with the stuff i described already. You would wonder for how mess of them its realy the hobby to just create something they wanna see for own intrest. This isn't a collectiv blameing but should all you remind that psychology is always number one if you deal with people.







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