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New Junktown


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Ok guys and gals, as the title says, its the New Junktown.


The grandson of Killian Darkwater, after taking a bos zep ( tactics ) as a "civilian" has arrived at Boston and following the path of his great grandfather and great, great grandfather, meets you in the major city of Boston in the noodle bar. His objective is to establish a new junktown in starlight drive and we would do it so:


1: Killian the second, established contact with the player in the noodle bar only if: 1: The player is as drunk as Killian. 2: The player mentions in the context menu that Boston is a junktown to the robot and has purchased and drinked at least one beverage.


2:Once contact is established, we get a loading screen and a flashback story wise in which Killian explains his origin and you, play as Killian level one, beginning in Junktown. The origin story of Killian II is full of classic fallout demo junktown wit and bit, Killian is a drug addict and drinks too much, has grand ideas, fights with his father and has to deal with the leftovers of the two "raider/gangs" guilds left out from the lone wanderer resolution after he kills the original fat man, one and only.


The fatman (Gizmo), had a daughter and after the death of Gizmo, she begins a war with the two gangs and the town mayor of the Darkwater family that lasts a generation or two, enough to terminate with Killian II story arch.


In the loaded flashback junktown, you play as Killian and learn the ropes of the game but, its more about diverse rpg options that tie with Killian II, from dealing with drugs, making your way into yours father safes and target practice with brahmin with the mother of all projectile weapons ( from the junktown demo F1 ).


We finish that small adventure with Killian II making a final mission for the bos as pay for the trip with the zep.


3: Once the player has invited ( wine and dine ) Killian II enough after a few runs in and out of Boston, ( if the player constructed anything in starlight, we erase with a script, count and erase. ) The real deal begins. They both go out to establish a new junktown in starlight. Yes, Killian II is a follower.


4: To establish initial building materials, we do a world level quest line, based on the North-West section of the map. The usual, shady deals. Dev Killian II, get comments on the locations, make Killian II a guide, he has seen around the North-West with his subterfuge skills. Tutorial character, high octane action, new combat scripts.


5: Junktown is established per action base once the initial materials are saved. Divide in five sectors. Each sector is built according to actions taken in the quest line, total relativity, change what you want with field work.


6: New Junktown is built, final mission is to change the natural starlight fence with the debris cars for a wall. The new missions begin. Killian II is town mayor, four new gangs have established themselves in the perimiter, multipath quest line within the city itself ( by this time and with my design its better than Boston so who cares? )


7: New scripts, new music, combination of artwork with permission from mod community.


8/0/1: We establish a kickstarter and a donation page to cover costs and make an end level reunion in a real junktown in the world with private security. Organize the trip for all and have a party with a lot of the deal.


9: Portafolio material and, who knows.


I need one programmer, knowledgable, one sound designer, one artist and art compiler and I will design the rest including working with the engine assets. I will cover the map design execution, quest design, sound production and monetary dealings as to not break the "law" related. Map design and execution is in pre-alpha.


I also offer lodging and basic expense if we go that route for the project.


PD: I envision the matter as a foundation for a new form of company, a middleman company. They give us the tools or not depending on a number of factors and ask us to design a certain sector of a game and, we do so. If our track record is good, which it will be after this, we can "maniobrar" after this and offer the work to the best offer according to us. This would keep a healthy exchange in terms of settings so, we would never really be bored. In fact, once finished we could actually offer this to beth for a late expansion, a decent foundation if done right. Correct, I foresee a middleman company, as in the golden age of PC's, a case study has never been made as to why these companies failed but, I have a certain of factors that I believe, will give the edge in terms of work force and quality. We do this with a dividend of fair equity if it works and if it does not, the portafolio speaks for itself. We can do this and more so with my help and production,

Edited by HadriaDiMare
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