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Mod/load order help


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Hi, due to some issues I've been forced to play skyrim on a xbox one x, without loot I'm having issues getting my load order to work, my issue is a CTD that occurs after 1-2 hours of gameplay, I've checked mod descriptions and nothing should be conflicting to my my knowledge so any help would be appreciated.

This is my current load order as viewable on console.


Unofficial skyrim patch

Climatesnof tamriel for xbox one

Lanterns of skyrim II - 1k lite

A quality world map - Vivid

A quality world map - clear skies

Sovngarde - mist's font replaced

The dragons fury V3 animated main menu

SkyHud-oblivion preset-pastel map markers

Sounds of Skyrim - complete edition

Imperious - races of skyrim

ordinator- perks of skyrim

Apocalypse - magic of skyrim

Stones of barenziah quest markers

SMIM - essentials

Mari's realistic grass field

Skyrim Flora overhaul HD

Climates of tamriel - darker nights

Elder Edda

ELE Interior lighting overhaul

ELE exterior lighting overhaul

Point the way

Bridges of skyrim

Sky haven temple armory overhaul

Uniques of oblivion

King ports - El'druin Dawnbreaker

Heavy Armory - new weapons SSE

Book of Uunp - Sevenbase

7B female armor and clothing replace

Better shrouded armor - replacer

Alt Nightingale

Wearable lanterns

Ars Metallica

Growl-werebeasts of skyrim

Immersive movement

Faster leveling

50 pct more perk points

See enchantments

Illuminating spells

All thieves guild jobs concurrently

Rich merchants of skyrim

Seranaholic (v1.6.1)

Amadioha's KS hairstyles III

IA92's epic hair colours

Character editor - all in one

Adorable idle for females

Sevenbase - female body

Beauties of skyrim

IA92's additional face presets

Definitive beauty pack

Old kingdom weapon overhaul

Old kingdom armor overhaul

Old kingdom weapon overhaul ussep patch

Invisible helmets

Noble skyrim -landscapes

Noble skyrim -Clutter

Noble skyrim -DLC Dragonborn

Noble skyrim -main cities

Noble skyrim -small towns and villages

Noble skyrim -DLC Dawnguard

Noble skyrim -college of winterhold

Noble skyrim -dungeons

Noble skyrim -High Hrothgar

Noble skyrim -ships and beats

Fluffy snow

Fire HD

Enhanced draw distance XB1

Dynamic display settings

Apocalypse + coordinator patch

Alternate start - live another life

Color patches remover


Weapons on back - standalone


Sorry it's a long read, any help would be very appreciated and I thank you for taking the time to read all this.

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