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Suggestion Box: RegExp support in filtering fields


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It would be incredibly useful to have Regular Expression support in the filtering fields of Mods and Plugins. An example: you want to find Relationship Dialogue Overhaul and everything that patches it. This cannot be done with a singular search term: neither "rdo" nor "relationship" nor "dialogue" will include both RDO and all its patches; for that a regular expression like "rdo|dialogue", or some other form of compound expression syntax, is necessary.


This might not be necessary if all mod authors understood how to name their mods and plugin files intelligently, but of course not all of them do, and there's no structure in place to enforce or encourage proper naming conventions. Compound search terms, using RegExp or something simpler, are thus important to deal efficiently with this "wild West of naming".


An alternative to this, to resolve at least the specific usage example I described, would be the inclusion of a mechanism to allow the creation of custom mod groups, i.e. collections of mods and/or plugins that need to be viewed together (because if one is disabled then all must be disabled). This might be handled by a separate column or via a drop-down list from Name/Mod Name.

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