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issue with destroying the dark brotherhood quest


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For the first time I decided I would try doing the destroy the DB quest, but am having so many issues getting it to work. Everything works fine up to me waking up in the abandoned shack, i have the convo with astrid, I kill astrid, friends like these quest failed....but thats it. No new quest starts, I do not have the option to free the captives. Tried a couple more times, same result. So I manually started the quest with the console after killing her, I could free the captives. Cool. Everything again works great, talk to the guard, talk to maro, tells me pass phrase, but when I go to the black door the correct pass phrase does not appear, only the three fake ones. I tried all three to see if it would make silence appear, it doesnt. I tried CoC'ing to the sanctuary, CTD. (I also made sure I could enter the sanc on other characters, I can). I am not running any mods that affect the DB in any way. Can anyone help me with this?
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